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Teutonic CSS
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Here is a color picker. Wrap in a box so that it aligns with other form elements.

Note that the label does not interfere with the underlying color picker. This is because the text is a label that points to the input below, additionally the label has the text-point-no class which omits the pointer events. The pseudo-placeholder text effect is done with mix-blend-mode in an inline style. This looks OKish in MS Edge.

Syntax: input[type=color].color
SCSS: _input-color.scss

Stand alone

Wrapped in a .color-box

Wrapped in a .color-box with label

<div class="read_l">
  <h4 class="ma-b_xs">
    Stand alone
  <input type="color" class="color" value="#ff9999">
  <h4 class="ma-b_xs ma-t_m">
    Wrapped in a .color-box
  <div class="color-box">
    <input id="docs-color-picker" type="color" class="color" value="#ffdddd">
  <h4 class="ma-b_xs ma-t_m">
    Wrapped in a .color-box with label
  <div class="color-box">
    <label for="docs-color-picker" class="text-point-no docs-color-label">Click to choose a color</label>
    <input id="docs-color-picker" type="color" class="color" value="#ffdddd">

  .docs-color-label { 
    color: #333;
    mix-blend-mode: difference;