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Teutonic CSS
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Align justify

Use the Flexbox justify alignment helper class to position ALL childs on the main axis. This will only work when the items are NOT streched over the full space. This will set the CSS property justify-content.

Syntax: .justify-{alignment}
SCSS: _flex-align-justify.scss


↑ All items pushed to the end of the main axis.


↑ All items aligned on the middle of the main axis.


↑ Items are trying to get away from each other, starting at start, ending at end.


↑ Items are trying to get away from each other, with some space left to start and end.

<h4 class="text-mono ma-b_xs">.justify-end</h4>
<div class="bg-0 pa_s text-mono">
  <div class="flex gap-no justify-end">
    <div class="bg-d box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-e box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-f box span-auto"></div>
<p class="ma-t_xs text_s">
  &uarr; All items pushed to the end of the main axis.

<h4 class="text-mono ma-t_m ma-b_xs">.justify-center</h4>
<div class="bg-0 pa_s text-mono">
  <div class="flex gap-no justify-center">
    <div class="bg-d box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-e box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-f box span-auto"></div>
<p class="ma-t_xs text_s">
  &uarr; All items aligned on the middle of the main axis.

<h4 class="text-mono ma-t_m ma-b_xs">.justify-between</h4>
<div class="bg-0 pa_s text-mono">
  <div class="flex gap-no justify-between">
    <div class="bg-d box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-e box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-f box span-auto"></div>
<p class="ma-t_xs text_s">
  &uarr; Items are trying to get away from each other, starting at start, ending at end.

<h4 class="text-mono ma-t_m ma-b_xs">.justify-around</h4>
<div class="bg-0 pa_s text-mono">
  <div class="flex gap-no justify-around">
    <div class="bg-d box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-e box span-auto"></div>
    <div class="bg-f box span-auto"></div>
<p class="ma-t_xs text_s">
  &uarr; Items are trying to get away from each other, with some space left to start and end.